24 Nov 2009

New Youtube channel

New Youtube channel is online!

I hope Google don't deletes me again!!!

More videos are coming soon! I have more than 250 waiting for uploads!

22 Nov 2009

2.303 All Saints very small (but amazing) pictures

Hey guys, I'm doing a new site and I'm really doing a gallery this time! It's so hard!
I have a lots of pictures but in much cds and dvds, a big mess! I'm uploading in my computer and renaming each archive, looking informations...
I'm looking any cebebrities pictures sites, I hate those sites with only the thumbnails...
Well but I downloaded all thumbnails in http://www.rexfeatures.com/ but I will not use in my gallery because the pictures are very small... but I would like to share with you 2.303 pictures! Any of that I never seen before or in another place.
*You will need Winrar or Winzip for extract the pictures.

20 Nov 2009

Nicole and Liam G 18.11.2009

Nicole and and Liam leaves their house with their puppy.
Thank you Olya.

Melanie 19.11.2009

Melanie and Louise Redknapp leaving Nobu Berkley restaurant, London, Britain.
Thank you Olya again!

Melanie 12.11.2009

Melanie attends the 40th anniversary party of Butler & Wilson, at KOKO,London
Thank u Olya!

Melanie 15.11.2009

Melanie attends the Mothers4Children 'The Really Really Great Garage Sale' at Selfridges on November 15, 2009 in London, England.
Thanks Olya! I found only one picture but Olya found more 2.

9 Nov 2009

08.11.2009 The launch party of Liam Gallagher's Pretty Green

The launch party of Liam Gallagher's new clothing range, Pretty Green, at the Gore Hotel in south west London. Pictures with Liam G and Nicole; Natalie and Liam H; Melanie.
Thanks Olya 'Nic'!